Want more orders? Fund your Google Shopping ads with our money

Shopify stores only pay a fixed commission rate on the orders our app generates.

From the team that generated $1.25 Billion in 2022 for the worlds biggest brands

ebay logo
Lego logo
boohoo logo
disney logo
Nintendo logo

Join thousands of Shopify merchants that trust us to run their Google Shopping Ads

Health Pharm

2500+ orders per month
$300k+ GMV generated

Sensory Education

1000+ orders per month
$600k+ GMV generated

Demand UK

100+ orders per month
$80k+ GMV generated

Our Shopify app is a game-changer

Order Value
Mins to setup

In 1 year, we generated Health Pharm over 11,000 orders worth $300k+. That's 10%+ lift in incremental orders by spending less than 2 minutes installing our app.

"We love the certainty of the 12% commission fee and incrementality that Order Legend provides."

Chris Price, CEO of Health Pharm

Chris Price, CEO

Health Pharm
No Orders? No Charge.

Remember, you only pay on the orders we generate

A flat fixed rate commission gives you certainty.

Shopify stores ❤️ our app

How much does the app cost?

We agree to a
Fixed % Rate
for orders we generate
We use our own money on ad spend
Incremental to your campaigns
No upfront fees
Risk-free, no sales, no charge
Usage charged through Shopify
Set a monthly budget cap
No going over-budget
Fixed ROAS guaranteed

Our app charges a fixed rate commission based on the value of any orders we generate for your store. If we agreed to 12% for example this means that if a customer clicks one of the ads the app manages on your behalf and then the customer places an order with a basket value of $200 (not including shipping and discounts), we will charge a 12% commission of $24. We do not calculate returns into our commission. There is zero upfront ad spend, charges or hidden fees.

How it works

Get started with a couple of clicks

To get started with our app, complete two simple steps that take less than 5 minutes.
Install: Install our app from the Shopify app store.
Budget Cap: Set a maximum monthly commission cap and agree to usage-based billing.
Set a monthly budget cap
Automated setup checklist

We handle the rest

Once you've set your cap and agreed to usage-based billing, that's it! Our automated system will kick in:
Google Merchant Centre: Our app will create an account and submit it for review with Google, this typically takes 4-7 days to approve.
Shopify Sync: Your products are automatically synced from your Shopify store.
Google Ads Setup: We'll set up and link a Google Ads account for your store. Ad campaigns for your products are created and optimized.
Learning Mode: Your store enters learning mode, where our system fine-tunes ad spend, orders generated, and commission earnings.
Generate Orders: We'll notify you via email, and you can track the orders in the app's order history list. For each order we generate, we'll charge you 12% through the Shopify billing system up to the monthly cap you set.
Please note: Stores typically see their first order within the first 30 days after setting a monthly budget cap. However, external factors outside of our control may influence the success of our app, including product demand (search volume), competition, conversion rates, seasonality, and more.

Will our app work for your store?

Answer two simple questions and find out what we think.

How our app compares

Many of our customers decide to run a multi-layered strategy, running both our autopilot app and the official Google channel app. We've put a simple comparison below to highlight the differences.
Zero learning curve
Automatic product feed sync
Risk-free CPA model
833% ROAS guaranteed
Plain english suggestions
Setup in seconds, reviewed and approved in 4-7 days
official google channel app
Need a Google ads expert
Data syncing & tedious manual fixes
Risky CPM and CPC model
Variable ROAS
Obtuse error messages
Weeks to setup, constant maintenance & headaches

This all sounds too good to be true... what's the catch?

Don't worry, we get this a lot.

We can't perform magic or guarantee results.
Whilst our platform will leverage multiple strategies and methods to promote your products on Google Shopping and drive your store orders, our app doesn't work for every store. Typically 4 out of every 10 stores work.

Many factors outside of our control can affect our apps performance.
This includes the types of products you sell, the demand and search volume, price competitiveness, customer behaviour, your on-site conversion rate, average basket value, seasonality and more.

You've got nothing to lose to give our app a try, if we don't generate your store orders, you won't pay anything!

Who are you guys?

We are not an Agency. As Quantitative Ad Spend Investors we are built different. We take on all the ad spend risk. Simply book a call with us and agree to a fixed commission rate for the orders we generate for you. With our deep expertise, risk appetite, smart algorithms and money we leverage hedge fund strategies to bet on the stores that win.
Adam Sturrock

Adam Sturrock

Chief Executive Officer
Y-Combinator Alumni, Exited eCommerce platform, Moltin, in 2019.
Paul Humphreys

Paul Humphreys

Chief Solutions Officer
Managed £2bn of ad spend for the likes of Ebay over the last 20 years.